Tony & Marianne Marple

“We have worked with Deb Perkins who prepared a plan for a wildlife cutback border, wild bee forage and kestrel, bat and barred owl houses. NRCS staff and their regional biologist think very highly of Deb as do we. We have found her to be knowledgeable, informative and open to the landowners' plan suggestions and modifications. She regularly sends unsolicited wildlife and habitat articles unrelated to her plan when she thinks they might be helpful. Her follow-up is excellent and she always displays a genuine interest in the work and its impact. We highly recommend Deb and would be happy to speak directly with anyone interested in working with her.”

Tony & Marianne Marple, landowners
Whitefield, Maine

Sebasticook Regional Land Trust 

"Deborah Perkins has been contracted by Sebasticook Regional Land Trust (SRLT) to assess and write up two wildlife management plans for the Fowler Bog Preserve and Great Farm Brook Preserve.  She has been very thorough and informative on ecological recommendations based on the properties previous history and current management objectives and goals. These recommendations have sparked both staff and volunteers to implement wildlife and land management activities on these properties to further enhance the ecological benefits of the lands."

Sebasticook Regional Land Trust
Jennifer Irving, Executive Director & Daniel H Hill, Board Member

Gary Stevens

“I’m happy to say that I have known Deb Perkins for three years now.  Deb helped to develop a plan that I implemented for NRCS ( Natural Resources Conservation Service) for some of my old farm property.  She and I walked the property and discussed what would work well for conservation and my goals for the property and came up with a plan that met both NRCS and my goals.  I have started a program with NRCS and have consulted Deb a number of times for advice in regards to the different aspects of conservation that NRCS is asking to be implemented and she has been a great help explaining some of the processes.  She has provided a great number of resources available for conservation as well as information on distributors of materials and plantings that I need.  Deb has been an excellent resource for me and I look forward to working with her in my ongoing projects with NRCS.  Thanks Deb.”

Gary Stevens, landowner
Turner, Maine